The aim of LAPASSION is to increase the innovation culture of HEI and the connection with Enterprises/Organizations (E/O) with impact in Employability, and Internationalization. This aim is pursued by implementing multidisciplinary projects/internships(MP/I) for co-creation, co-development and acceleration of innovative ideas, integrated in the educative project of the involved institutions. MP/I will be implemented by means of students' teams involving students with different backgrounds, different graduation levels, and from different countries, and solving challenges posed by E/O.
Specific objectives of LAPASSION are the following:
- Awareness-raising of Education Programmes Directors & Institutional Administration;
- Training of Supervisors;
- Creation of MP/I in partner institutions to allow the assignment of credits;
- Involvement of students from other institutions in MP/I;
- Monitoring and quality control procedures of MP/I;
- Dissemination to other HEI, and Exploitation of LAPASSION results