
European Partners of LAPASSION have been carefully chosen in order to guarantee the experience in cooperation activities with Latin-American countries, and the participation in activities of co-creation and co-development. In a way or another EU partners have been involved in networks related with new trends in Multidisciplinary Projects/Internships (MP/I).

Polytechnic of Porto (IPP, partner P1)


Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK, partner P2)


University of Vigo (UVIGO, partner P3)


University of Salamanca (USAL, partner P4)


Federal Institute Sul Riograndense (IFSul, partner P5)


Federal Institute of Triângulo Mineiro (IFTM, partner P6)


Federal Institute of Goiás (IFG, partner P7)


Federal Institute of Maranhão (IFMA, partner P8)


Federal Institute of Amazonas (IFAM, partner P9)


University of the Republic of Uruguay (UDELAR, partner P10)


Technical University of Uruguay (UTEC, partner P11)


Foundation of Professional Institute (DUOC, partner P12)


Catholic University of Chile (PUC, partner P13)


Association of Enterprises of Portugal (AEP, partner P14)


Council of Rectors of Federal Institutes (CONIF partner P15)


With more than 18500 students Polytechnic of Porto (IPP) is the largest Polytechnic institution of higher education in Portugal. IPP has a highly dynamic research activity in a global context. IPP stands out for its interdisciplinary context, with 8 Schools covering a wide spectrum of areas, from Engineering (ISEP) to Music and Performing Arts (ESMAE), Education (ESE), Accounting and Administration (ISCAP), Management and Technology (ESTGF), Allied Health Technology (ESS), Media Arts and Design (ESMAD), and Hospitality and Tourism (ESHT).

IPP is the coordinator of LAPASSION, being also the EU partner responsible for WP1 (Preparation/Trainning) and WP5 (Management) and participating in the other 3 WP. WP1 has three main activities, one concerned with the Preparation Meetings, another concerned with the training sessions, and another for Preparing a Toolkit (together with DUOC). The first training session meeting, the fourth and seventh management meeting will be held in Porto with participants from other LAPASSION partners. IPP will edit the e-book LAPASSION Experience together with IFG, and other documentation and is also responsible for Auditing, and Sustainability Plan.

Tampere University of Applied Sciences is a multidisciplinary and international higher education university located in the Tampere Region in Finland. TAMK has around 10,000 undergraduate students. TAMK’s expertise ranges from engineering to health and social care and creativity, with special emphasis on practically oriented education and R&D activities. TAMK’s profile both as a modern and dynamic education institution as well as an active project actor allows for genuine, long-lasting and confidential partnerships with companies and SMEs, as well as with public and third sector organisations.

TAMK is the EU coordinator of Work Package WP2 (Development) and participates in all other packages of the project. The third Management meeting will be held in Tampere with participants from other LAPASSION partners. TAMK is responsible for the creation of the LAPASSION Development Toolkit together with IFTM.

Established in 1990, the University of Vigo (hereinafter, “UVIGO”) has managed to consolidate itself in time as a reference of modernity and innovation in Galicia. With more than 25,000 students, its three campuses at Ourense, Pontevedra and Vigo offer degree programmes in the fields of science, humanities, technology and legal-social. These ones are distributed over nearly 30 centers where 240 research groups carry out their RDI activities.

UVIGO is the EU coordinator of WP3 –Quality Planning & Control (QP&C) and participates in all other Work Packages of LAPASSION. WP3 has two main activities, one concerned with the QP&C for MP/I, and another for the QP&C for LAPASSION project at all. The second Management meeting will be held in Vigo with participants from other LAPASSION partners.

The University of Salamanca – – founded in 1218, is a medium sized university with over thirty thousand students. It is the second most popular university in the country for students wanting to study outside their home districts. In the year 1218 king Alfonso IX of Leon founded the University of Salamanca, which is considered to be the oldest Spanish universities in existence. The University of Salamanca has more than 30,000 students.

USAL will participate in all Work Packages of LAPASSION, and will be responsible for the development of the LAPASSION site and social networks. One of the Training Sessions of LAPASSION, between the two blocks of training sessions in LA, will be in Salamanca.

Created in 2009, the National Council for the Federal Network of Vocational, Scientific and Technological Education Institutions (CONIF) assembles the group of 41 federal institutions of Vocational, Scientific and Technological Education of Brazil, present in all Brazilian states. It is a place for discussion, proposition and promotion of development policies. As a representative entity of the Federal Network institutions it acts with different society’s representations, Legislative Power and, frequently, assists the Ministry of Education in the planning of actions and projects targeted to the expansion of Brazilian vocational education, effectively participating of the articulations to the creation of the Federal Institutes.

CONIF will participate in all Work Packages of LAPASSION. CONIF will organize two Management Meetings of LAPASSION. The first meeting, the LAPASSION kickoff meeting, in November 2017, will be held in João Pessoa, since REDITEC, the big annual event of the Federal Institutes of Brazil, with more than 1000 participants takes place there. The final management meeting in Latin-America will be held in Brasília. CONIF will be responsible, together with AEP, for WP4 –Communication Plan, Dissemination and Exploitation Strategy.

The Sul-rio-grandense Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology (IFSUL) is a public federal entity linked to the Ministry of Education in Brazil (MEC). Its fourteen schools/campuses are located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, and the administration headquarters in the city of Pelotas. The Institute is characterized by a vertical educational structure, offering professional and technological education, integrating graduate, undergraduate, basic and technological levels. It serves 18.000 students with a staff of 1.600, among faculty and administration.

IFSul participates in all WP of LAPASSION. One of the meetings for Training (Preparation) and one of the meetings for Quality Planning & Control will be held in Pelotas with participants from other LAPASSION partners. One set of MP/I will be held in Pelotas (Development).

The Federal Institute of Triângulo Mineiro (IFTM) is a Higher Education Institution oriented to applied sciences, with a multicurricular and multicampi nature. The origin of IFTM is found in December of 2008, with the integration of the technological and Agrotechnic education units. IFTM has professional and technological education in technical programs, undergraduate, and post-graduation programs. IFTM involves the Rectory in Uberaba and nine campuses.

IFTM will be participating in all WP of the project and is the LA coordinator of Workpackage WP2 – Development of MP/I. One of the meetings for Training and one of the meetings for Quality Planning & Control will be held in Uberaba. One set of MP/I will be held in Uberba. IFTM is responsible for the creation of the LAPASSION Development Toolkit together with TAMK.

The Federal Institute of Goiás (Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Goiás - IFG) was created by Law n. 11.892, from 29th of December, 2008, from the transformation of the Technological Education Federal Centre of Goiás (CEFET). CEFET evolved since 1909, from a vocational oriented School to the current situation with BSc and MSc programmes. Nowadays IFG has 14 campi, in 13 different cities from Goiás state of Brazil, with vocational courses, BSc and MSc programmes, and Post-Graduations (lato sensu).

IFG will be participating in all WP of the project and is the LA coordinator of Workpackage WP5 – Management. One of the meetings for Training (Preparation) and one of the meetings for Quality Planning & Control will be held in Goiania. One set of MP/I will be held in Goiania (Development).

The Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Maranhão (IFMA) was established by the Law 11,892, of December 29, 2008, following the integration of CEFET-Maranhão with 3 Federal Agrotechnical Schools. The institutional mission is to promote professional, science and technology education through the integration of teaching, research and extension, focusing on the training of citizens and sustainable socioeconomic development. Currently, IFMA has 26 campuses, three advanced cores, three advanced campuses and a Technology Vocation Center. The institution offers entry-level courses, technical, undergraduate and graduate programs for youth and adults.

IFMA participates in all WP of LAPASSION. One of the meetings for Training (Preparation) and one of the meetings for Quality Planning & Control will be held in São Luís with participants from other LAPASSION partners. One set of MP/I will be held in São Luís (Development).

TThe Instituto Federal do Amazonas began in 2008, originating from the union of CEFET-AM (1909), the schools Agrotécnica Federal de Manaus (1940) and São Gabriel da Cachoeira (1990), has provided relevant services to the society, acting in the state of Amazonas in its Manaus capital, with three campuses, two industrial and one in agrotechnical area, and other 12 campuses in the countryside of Amazonas, in small towns located more than 1000 Km away from Manaus. The IFAM already reached 16,643 students in 32 vocational training courses, 128 technical courses, 19 undergraduate courses, among these we have six in engineering area (Automation, Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering, Telecommunications, Electronics and Civil), two Master's programs and 13 technical courses in distance education. In addition, we have 1,712 workers throughout the state.

IFAM participates in all WP of LAPASSION. One of the meetings for Training (Preparation) and one of the meetings for Quality Planning & Control will be held in Manaus with participants from other LAPASSION partners. One set of MP/I will be held in Manaus (Development).

UTEC is the new Technological University of Uruguay, a proposed university public with tertiary education technological profile, focused on research and innovation. UTEC is an institution committed to the strategic guidelines of the country, open to the needs of the productive Uruguay, which has among its main objectives to increase equitable access to educational opportunities especially in the hinterland. One of its most innovative features is its focus on the collective construction of knowledge, with high standards of quality management and academic excellence.

UTEC will be participating in all WP of the project. The fifth Management meeting of LAPASSION will be held in Montivideo, with organization of UDELAR and UTEC. One of the meetings for Training (Preparation) and one of the meetings for Quality Planning & Control will be held in Montevideo with participants from other LAPASSION partners. One set of MP/I will be held in Montevideo (Development).

The University of the Republic is Uruguay's public university. It is the most important, oldest, and largest university of the country, with a student body of more than 80,000 students. It was founded on July 18, 1849 in Montevideo, where most of its buildings and facilities are still located. Its current Rector is Dr. Roberto Markarián. The Universidad de la República (Udelar) is the main institution fo Education and Research in Uruguay. In collaboration with a wide set of institutional and social actor, it performs multiple activities oriented towards a more valuable use of knowledge and the diffusion of culture. It is a public and autonomous institution, co-governed by its scholars, students and graduates.

UDELAR will be participating in all WP of the project. UDELAR is the LA Coordinator of Workpackage WP3 –Quality Planning & Control (QP&C). The fifth Management meeting of LAPASSION will be held in Montivideo, with organization of UDELAR and UTEC. One of the meetings for Training (Preparation) and one of the meetings for Quality Planning & Control will be held in Montevideo with participants from other LAPASSION partners. One set of MP/I will be held in Montevideo (Development).

DUOC is a private nonprofit educational institute founded in 1968. With legal personality, assets of its own, and administrative autonomy, DUOC is leader of professional technical educational in Chile. With a practical emphasis, its teaching model is based on the development of labor competences, which translates in the method of learning by doing. Hence the development of educational curricula is based on information provided by the industry. Each campus has its own technological centers, laboratories and specialized tools in order to recreate working environments. In addition, DUOC uses state of the art information technology in order to ease the learning process and especially the contact between students and teachers.

DUOC will be participating in all WP of the project. DUOC is the LA Coordinator of Workpackage WP1 – Preparation and Training for Multidisciplinary Projects/Internships (MP/I). Two of the meetings for Training (Preparation) and two of the meetings for Quality Planning & Control will be held in Santiago, in a joint organization of DUOC and PUC. Two sets of MP/I will be held in Santiago (Development).

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC) was founded on 1988. PUC 18 faculties are distributed through four campuses in Santiago and one regional campus. Engineering PUC has over 120 years educating the future leaders of Chile. Prepares the students to perform as applied scientists, innovators, entrepreneurs or as outstanding professionals in the broad field of engineering and thus become positive agents of change and social mobility for the country. With a bias on education, we want to prepare engineering design students for leadership in whatever professional environment they elect with a particular focus on emerging issues, multidisciplinary teamwork, visual thinking and cultural values.

PUC will be participating in all WP of the project. Two of the meetings for Training (Preparation) and two of the meetings for Quality Planning & Control will be held in Santiago in a joint organization of DUOC and PUC. Two sets of MP/I will be held in Santiago (Development).

AEP - Portuguese Business Association, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, founded in 1849, is headquartered in the city of Porto. As Chamber of Commerce and Industry, AEP develops a number of actions designed, not only to provide the entrepreneurial community with services in areas such as trade fairs and exhibitions, conferences, information and support to companies, consulting, vocational training, trade missions, business promotion and investment, defense of the interests and representation of the associate members, but also to heighten the role of business associations both at national and international level. Today, AEP has approximately 3100 indirect associate companies and 1613 direct associate members, covering 458130 workers. AEP has been a privileged partner of the governments in the discussion of issues relevant to the development of Portuguese economy, taking its seat on the European Economic and Social Committee and the Strategic Council for Open Economy.

AEP will participate in all Work Packages of LAPASSION. AEP will organize together with IPP two Management Meetings of LAPASSION, the forth and the last. AEP will be responsible, together with CONIF, for WP4 –Communication Plan, Dissemination and Exploitation Strategy.

LAPASSION - Latin America Practices and Soft Skills for an Innovation Oriented Network

LAPASSION is a project from the European Union's Erasmus+ Programme and the Capacity Building Initiative for Higher Education Institutions managed through the Educational, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) with reference 585687-EPP-1-2017-1-PT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP.


Objectives of the Project

LAPASSION envisages the development of Multidisciplinary Projects/Internships (MP/I) characterized by:

  • projects presented by the surrounding environment (enterprises and other organizations E/O) or resulting from innovative ideas to create new prototypes/products/services
  • projects developed by multidisciplinary groups of students
  • projects developed by groups of students from different countries (multiculturalism, language, etc)
  • projects oriented for developing soft skills (teamwork, leadership, conflict management, negotiation, etc)
  • projects for which students demonstrate passion