Preparation Meeting in São Luís do Maranhão Brazil

The Preparation Meeting of São Luís took place at the Federal Institute of Maranhão (IFMA), form 19th to 23rd of November, Training sessions were oriented for the preparation of Students' Supervisors from IFMA and IFAM (Federal Institute of Amazonas). We have seen different spaces for the multidisciplinary projects of the students. The amazing space of "Fábrica de Inovação" (Innovation Factory) is a container adapted to receive students with hardware and software given by Apple and IBM, free of cost, where students can experiment and develop solutions for Apps, Drones, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and other technologies. The container can be placed on a truck for going to any city of Maranhão state. "Casarão Tecnológico" (Technology House) is another space hosted by Maranhão State Government for Start Ups, students will have a room there, and the opportunity to benefit from all innovation ecosystem of this place. Monte Castelo campus of the Federal Institute of Maranhão will have a laboratory for students as well, most of the supervisors of students work in Monte Castelo campus.

Extraordinary spaces for an extraordinary LAPASSION experience to start March 18, 2019. "How to improve Human Development Index" will be the main challenge of LAPASSION@SãoLuís. 


